19. březnaRozhodnutí Mezinárodního soudního dvora v Haagu ve věci návrhu Ukrajiny vs Ruská federace na stanovení předběžných opatření na základě tvrzení o genocidě podle Úmluvy o zabránění a potrestání zločinu genocidy (Order on the Request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by Ukraine in the case concerning Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation)
Více zde
16. února
Stálý rozhodčí soud (“PCA”) s potěšením oznamuje zvolení velvyslance Marcina Czepelaka generálním tajemníkem
Více zde
4. února
Vienna Arbitration Days 2022
Konference se uskuteční 25. února 2022
Bližší informace a registrace
13. ledna
ICC Prague Arbitration Day 2022
Konference se uskuteční 7. dubna 2022
Bližší informace a registrace
6. prosince
Ninth Annual Damages in International Arbitration Conference
Konference se uskuteční online 7. a 9. prosince, vždy od 16 hodin
Program a registrace
1. listopadu
Mediální konference spolku českých právníků Všehrd: Vliv digitálních platforem a sociálních médií na svobodu slova a pluralismus
Konference se bude konat ve středu 3. listopadu od 18 hodin v budově Právnické fakulty UK (místnost č. 300).
7. října
V sekci „Články“ jsme uveřejnili článek Dr. Petra Dobiáše, týkající se sporů vzniklých v souvislosti se zablokováním Suezského
kanálu kontejnerovou nákladní lodí Ever Given, a práci prof. Karla Marka „Smlouva o dílo“.
12. července
Projev předsedkyně Mezinárodního soudního dvora při příležitosti 75. výročí založení MSD
12. července
Oznámení složení zvláštního senátu Arbitrážního soudu pro sport pro LOH v Tokiu
28. června
Tone From the Top: The Role of the General Counsel in the Prevention of Harassment and Abuse in International Sports
Andrea Carska-Sheppard, Sarah Ammons
Front. Sports Act. Living, 20 April 2021
17. května 2021
Názor pro Vás – nová sekce našeho webu s rozhovory s významnými osobnostmi právního světa
Prvním hostem Dr. Trapla byl odborník na zdravotnické právo JUDr. Ondřej Dostál, Ph.D., LL.M. Sérii rozhovorů na různá témata týkající se vládních protiepidemických opatření, kompenzací pro podnikatele i zdravotnická zařízení a práva pacientů můžete zhlédnout v rubrice Názor pro Vás.
Druhým hostem bude Mgr. Martin Hrodek, partner české pobočky společnosti Baker & McKenzie a mimo jiné i přední specialista v oblasti řešení sporů.
22. února 2021
ICC Prague Arbitration Day 2021: Managing Arbitration Effectively
March 18, 10.00, Online
ICC Prague Arbitration Day is a unique one-day conference organised in the heart of Central & Eastern Europe that focuses on topical issues in arbitration. The event builds on previous successful conferences in 2019 and 2018, each having hosted over 100 attendees from dozens of countries.
The conference will cover topics on efficient management of the arbitration process from the result and cost perspectives. The panellists will discuss tools to make communication more effective and smoother, as well as recent technological advancements that can not only assist in building a legal argument but also save time and labour to cut down costs of running the arbitration process etc. The panellists will further discuss the settlement process and lessons learned from specific cases. The role of public entities in the arbitration process will also be discussed. We will focus on recent cases and take-aways to implement or avoid in future arbitrations while reflecting what we have learnt during the Covid-19 pandemic and from hearings held remotely.
21. února 2021
EU Competition law devours its children: the proliferation of anti-competitive object and the problem of false positives
February 23, 11.00–12.30, Zoom
Registration: please e-mail CompetitionLaw@eui.eu
In the last decade, EU competition law reached a major turning point in its history. Anti-competitive object became an elusive and unpredictable rule, which boosts the risk of false positives and has a significant chilling effect. This paper analyzes this metamorphosis and the social damages it is causing, and proposes an alternative conception. The paper demonstrates that the emerging new concept of anti-competitive object erroneously conflates contextual analysis, which has been part of the object-inquiry from the outset, and effects-analysis, which has no role to play here. It submits that both doctrinal and policy reasons confirm that anti-competitive object should be a category-building principle of judicial rule-making (definition of the definition) and not applicable to individual arrangements directly.
The event will be held via Zoom. All are welcome to attend.
The paper will be shared upon registration.
9. února 2021
London International Disputes Week
London International Disputes Week is returning in 2021 (May 10–14), following the successful launch in 2019 with more than 1000 participants from more than 45 jurisdictions.
This year we will have a highly topical list of sessions and a very diverse array of speakers and moderators including some prominent keynote speakers. The broader theme is Looking Forward: Challenge, Change and Opportunity.
More details on this virtual event are available at https://2021.lidw.co.uk.
9. února 2021
International Teaching Month presented by the Institute of Law of the Nirma Unviersity and the Penn State Law
The Institute of Law of the Nirma Unviersity (India) in association with the Penn State Law (the US) is presenting February 2021 as its special International Teaching Month, hosting over 70 eminent speakers (judges, law professors and attorneys) from across the globe. The speakers come from e.g. the United States of America, Brazil, Hungary, Slovakia, Germany, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand etc.
The US-Swedish-Slovak ISDS reform panel, chaired by Dr. Ylli Dautaj and composed of Dr. Crina Baltag, Assoc. Prof. Katarína Chovancová, Dr. Kabir Dugal and Bruno Gustafsson is scheduled for 25th of February 2021. The panel will be discussing the current ongoing process of reforming the investor-state dispute settlement mechanism, stressing out its various goals and prospects of their attainment. Within the panel’s agenda, Katarína Chovancová has been assigned with the questions, dissecting in detail the current prospects of survival of the FET standard in MITs and BITs, as well as explaining to next generation lawyers the role and purpose of the FET standard and the reasons for its protection in building a transnational legal civilization.
4. února 2021
Vienna Arbitration Days 2021
The Vienna Arbitration Days are the leading arbitration conference in Austria and welcome participants from around the globe for lively discussions on topical issues in international arbitration. Use this opportunity to be updated by renowned experts, to exchange ideas and to meet other arbitration professionals.
The first remote Vienna Arbitration Days 2021 will take place on Friday, February 12, 2021.
This year's topic is “Construction Arbitration: Innovation and Constants”. The keynote speech will be delivered by Karl Pörnbacher (Hogan Lovells, Munich).
Visit the conference website for further information and register here.
The participation in this online conference is free of charge.
3. února 2021
Online conference of the Court of Arbitration at the Nowy Tomyśl Chamber of Commerce
The 2021 conference from the series “Arbitration and Mediation in Theory and Practice” will take place online on May 14, 2021.
Participation will be free of charge. The topic of the conference will be announced at the beginning of April 2021. The conference will be organized in cooperation with different institutions from Poland and abroad.
Confirmation of participation, as well as messages on other issues related to the conference, are to be sent to arbitrazmediacja@gmail.com.
Facebook page related to Arbitration and Mediation and dedicated to the activities of the Nowy Tomyśl Arbitration.
Włodzimierz Brych
President of the Court of Arbitration at the Nowy Tomyśl Chamber of Commerce
5. června 2020
Russian Council Issues Response to HKIAC-VIAC Joint Request for Clarifications
On April 25, 2019, the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) became the first foreign arbitral institution to be granted permission to function as a permanent arbitral institution (PAI) under Russia’s Federal Law on Arbitration dated December 29, 2015 No. 382-FZ. (celý článek...)